Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Apparently Free speech

I must say that I'm really fascinated ,while at the same time amazed at the opportunity to reach out to someone or perhaps more than one person who may be interested in what I may have to say. In this digital, fast paced lifestyle., we have mail ,newsletters, newspapers,email, blackberry messenger, whatsapp , YouTube, googl+ Twitter and yes Blogs, all competing to catch the eye  and make their point. Amazing ! one part of the world is overflowing with information and the other part totally in darkness and oblivious to this great wonder "freedom of speech" . Freedom to hear and and to be heard ,  to express and to  read and respond to others point of view. With newspapers , journals and visual media,  are basically one sided ,where the author states his point and may or may not get response by the reader or audience. Where as I find the Blogger, depending on how well he or she can get the "bloggee" involved with the topic  can really agitate some real dialogue. The other point is that the blogger is free to discuss any matter that he or she chooses and feels important to talk and discuss and will get a direct response if others sympathize or disagree or may not elicit a response if they are indifferent to writer's blog.

Although this media is available to all in theory, but in practice , it is available to only a minute section of the society. A society that has access to Internet ,PC,  smart phone, forms only  a fraction of the population of our world and we are perhaps .001% of  the lucky few. It would be a great day , a proud moment indeed  for the world when this blog or any blog  for that matter, is available to a majority of the people . Only then we can truly say that the world is emancipated . Another important "next step " in digital media is the ability for each of us to express ourselves in our language and in our own culture . The ability to cross language and cultural boundaries through the internets ability to translate and interpret blogs, newsletters, news lines will be the next defining moment. Currently for someone to read and quickly and easily understand my Blog ,requires the comprehension of  the English language and thus an impediment to the free access of media . I'm sure we are not far from witnessing this watershed event , where one can easily read a blog in Russian , Chinese , Arabic, Swahili, that is immediately available in the readers native tongue.